I Won Something! Woot!

A few days ago, I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!  Thanks to Ashley from instillari for the nomination.  I’ve been enjoying Ashley’s blog, and found that we have several things in common, including a love of sweet treats (I have to make that strawberry-cheesecakey-pretzel thing!) and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Apparently if you are nominated for the award it’s the same as winning, so yay!  I can’t even remember the last time I won something.

This award comes with a few rules:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and provide a link to their page on your blog
  • Nominate 15 blogs for the award and let them know by leaving them a comment
  • Copy/Paste the award on your blog post
  • Share 7 things about yourself

So…in keeping with the rules of this award, here are seven random things about myself that you may or may not know.

1. Although I like almost every genre of films, I have an embarrassing weakness for teenage coming of age movies.

2. I usually start planning my next meal before I’m even finished with the one I’m eating.

3. I started practicing for my old ladyhood when I learned to crochet when I was 8 or 9 years old.  But I’ve tried to knit many times with no success.

Giant granny square!  I made that!

4. I have 77 cousins (last time I counted them up).  I might have missed a few. They are constantly multiplying.

5. I have a girl cat named Fred.  She thinks water tastes better when there is a fish swimming in it.

Fred. And the ill-fated Timmy, who has since been replaced by Nelson the fish.

6. I take a photo of my feet in the ocean every time I go to the beach.  It reminds me that simple things make me happy.

Just a couple of weeks ago at the Oregon coast.

7. I’m afraid of heights but I like to climb trees.

And now I have all the power!  I get to nominate 15 blogs for the award I just received.  These are not in any particular order of fondness or anything.  You guys rock!  Keep ’em coming.

1. Meatballs & Milkshakes.  The name drew me in and I stayed for the food.  Wonderful, fun commentary and good visuals. Simple, delicious looking food.  Plus she loves lemon and olives so we could definitely dine together any day.

2. The Flog.  Felicia Day cracks me up.  I’ve been a fan ever since Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog.  This is her at her geeky best, and the only video blog included here. My favorite episode so far is where she and Colin Fergusen learn to crochet.

3. Summer Tomato.  Scientist meets foodie.  Great insight and information about leading a healthy lifestyle and eating well.  I really enjoy her “for the love of food” posts, where every week she gives us a list of links to more info, studies, food facts and all sorts of fun tidbits.

4. Poor Girl Eats Well.  Great recipe blog with delicious food cooked on a tight budget.  Also good shopping tips, etc.

5.  Can You Stay For Dinner? Written by Andie, who has lost over 100 pounds and maintained it over the last few years, despite having a great love of food and chocolate.  Mouth-watering recipes, tips and some very thought provoking posts as well.

6. Linus & Bubba Books.  This blog is written by one of my numerous cousins mentioned above (the only one I am nominating here I might add).  Terrific book blog with well-written reviews, literary insights, funny banter and the occasional cute dog pic.

7. Learn 2 [use the] Kitchen.  Fun recipe blog.  Great beginner recipes but many anyone would enjoy, including me.  I like how she includes the antics of her boyfriend “the Ryan” and some of the challenges they face with some of their opposing dietary wishes.

8. BevCooks.  Just recently discovered but loving the creative recipes!

9. SabbyinSuburbia.  I just used Sabrina’s blog to create my own pendants and I LOVE them.  I have received so many compliments every time I wear one, which is almost all the time.  I can’t wait to try some more of her crafty ideas.

10. Foodimentary. Looking for something to celebrate?  Look no further.  John will give you a foodie holiday for just about every day, plus some fun facts to go with it.

11. Photonatureblog.  Gorgeous photos. ’nuff said.

12. Back Road Journal. Beautiful food, flowers, travel.  I love the photos and the recipes look wonderful.

13. Spoon fork bacon.  They had me at fried pickle chips.

14. A Cup of Jo.  Terrific photos, snippets of conversation, and a touch of poetry. Lovely.

15. The Drinking Girls.  I just starting reading the blog, but I’ve had their first cookbook for a while.  Wonderful recipes, including an incredible Spanish Tortilla, and cocktails too!

And there you have it, folks!  Thanks again for the award, and for reading this thing in the first place!!

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2 thoughts on “I Won Something! Woot!

  1. L2Kitchen says:

    Thank you so much! 🙂 You rock!

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